It appears we have amassed a large library of children’s books, much to the delight of my kids. Our favorites are the ones that teach a little lesson, while still being fun or humorous in the process. I’ve made a list of our top picks – which make great gifts (the holiday season is quickly approaching).

Beautiful Oops by Barney Saltzberg captured my son’s attention immediately. It’s bright colors and chunky format makes it and instant hit. What keeps it engaging is the interactive appeal. My kids love when they get to open pages and tabs themselves! Plus, it helps tune motor skills. Each page has something going on – teaching the necessary lesson that if a mistake happens it’s merely an opportunity to make something beautiful happen. We can all relate to making mistakes. I also love how it boasts creativity over perfect outcomes, especially in a world that often looks for flawless. An imperfect result can be better than what was attempted. It’s a playful book and gets kids thinking about big picture things in a different way. My son would usually throw a fit if his picture wasn’t turning out “just right” or if his sister happened to “ruin” something he was working on. This book has allowed him to see how a little mistake or an unintended mess can actually help make things better, and different in a good way – a way not seen initially. The illustrations are adorable – we love the sweet penguin and how splotches are made into cute piggies. Parents will love how well constructed the book is. Even though it has interactive components, the sturdy quality will make this book last for years of use. You can find this book below or on sale wherever books are sold.

Cloudette is such a sweet book. It’s the story of a cute, tiny cloud with a big personality. It teaches that just because someone is small, doesn’t mean they can’t do big things. It’s the perfect message for kids.

Even saying Potato Pants makes me giggle! This book is full of hilarious images and the great lesson that we shouldn’t jump to conclusions about other people…er potatoes. I love the wound-up main character that realizes the error in his ways, and tries to correct his behavior. You’ll laugh as hard as the kids.

Lady Pancake and Sir French Toast is a tale of two competitors that learn the hard way, that winning isn’t everything and fighting will get you nowhere. It teaches that friends share, not bicker over small things. The illustrations are too cute – each page is a masterpiece as Kearney brings all the food in the fridge to life.

I love that we found this book at our library, and ended up buying a copy. It is one we read over and over again! Perfect Soup is such a sweet story about hard work and finding that what you think you want isn’t really that great if it isn’t shared with someone else. It also let’s us know that perfection doesn’t have to be the goal. I love that it also shows how slowing down and seeing what’s around you is important – something we’ve all had to realize lately!
Fall and winter are the perfect seasons to settle in with a good book, and we are always on the look out for new titles. If you have any must have kids books, please leave a comment with the titles. I’d also love to hear what you think about our favorites – whether you buy them or check them out from your local library! Since the holidays will be here before we know (and thankfully 2021), I’ve left links for the books below if you’d like to gift them. I always love receiving books for kids birthdays, Christmas, and any old time.
*Beautiful Oops was gifted, but all opinions are my own.