

I have always loved overalls for their comfort and simplicity, and I’m so happy they are back on trend. I wore them as a small child and again in high school, but took a break for many years until I saw them popping up everywhere. I can vividly remember the pair I bought in high school – a medium denim by Oshkosh B’Gosh, very farmer-esk, and I LOVED them. This pair is from H&M and couldn’t be more comfortable while being more feminine and fitted than previous overall incarnations.

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They are fitted and slightly tapered with a little stretch. I love the black – I’m finding it super fun to pair them with stripes, denim, and plaid. Next up will be animal print and florals.

To dress them up, I can cuff the bottoms and pop on a pair of booties. The versatility is just about endless. The best part of wearing overalls at this point is that I can bend down to pick up the toys, pick up my kids, grab the groceries, etc., and I don’t have to worry about pulling my jeans or pants up. Overalls have magical built in suspenders. It’s a work outfit for hard working ladies.

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If you are ready to try a pair, which I highly recommend you do, head here. Shirt options:

striped long sleeve tee // denim shirt // plaid shirt // floral tee // leopard print shirt // solid tee